Q&A: Toddler Acting Like a Baby

Ever since we had our second baby six months ago, our three-year-old has gone through long stretches of the day acting like a baby. She says things like gogo and gaga and has even started to wet herself (she has …

Zucchini & Sweet Potato Fritters

Makes 12 medium size fritters (approx. 6 cm) Ingredients 500 grams zucchini, grated 250 grams sweet potato, peeled and grated*** Pinch of sea salt & pepper 3 eggs 2/3 cup almond meal**** 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped 1/2 diced onion …

Ins and Outs of Bedtime Part 1

What’s a quick way to drive parents crazy? The ins and outs at bedtime. We are all familiar with the rush to get through the nightime routine, to finally give that goodnight kiss, turn out the light and exit. Only …

Discouraging the Dummy habit

How to discourage my six month old to love his dummy. I feel the dummy could become a huge problem in the future but don’t know how to gently discourage my son’s reliance on it after all I’m the one …

Immunisation in childhood

Published by Raising Children Australia  Immunisation, often called vaccination, helps to protect your child from infectious diseases. It’s one of the best ways of improving your child’s health and wellbeing and stopping diseases from spreading in your community. Why immunisation …

Sleeping in Siblings Room… Is it a problem?

Question – My four year old can’t get to sleep in his own room. He wants to sleep in his sister’s (7yo) room. I’ve allowed this but have always carried him to his own bed and room when he falls …

Info Sheet – Threadworms

Threadworms are any long slender roundworms, commonly found in preschool and school aged children. They often occur in more than one family member. Threadworms look like white threads, about 8mm long. They live in the lower intestine, but come out …

Importance of Fathers

A father is the most important connection in a boy’s life.  Fathering has profound lasting implications. We know that having and raising children is an enormous experience in life, it makes you reflect on yourself, what is important to you, …

Strange Toddler Behaviour

The Weird (But Totally Normal) Stuff Your Toddler Does.  It may take a while to realise, especially when you’re in the midst of those hazy newborn days, but once the fog passes, you’ll suddenly become aware that your child is …

Get That Television Out of Your Kid’s Room – Now!!!

Craig Canapari | Director of the Yale Pediatric Sleep Center. Evidence-based advice for better sleep in kids, teens, and parents What would you say if I told you that there is one thing you can do to avoid sleep problems …