My Baby falls asleep nursing then wakes up when I put them down

  Whenever I do a talk with a group of parents who are struggling with helping their baby to stay asleep, they often ask me for advice on how they can help their baby who wakes up once they put …

Separating Parents and deciding on care

When a marriage breaks down there is a lot of dividing up. Assets, furniture, money but I encourage you to be really careful to not make the mistake of confusing the dividing of objects or money with dividing up people. …

When to stop swaddling your baby?

When do you stop? Is there an age?  Is their signs? One of the first techniques you are shown in hospital after delivery is how to swaddle your baby. Swaddled babies generally sleep longer and more deeply. But when should …

Night Weaning Part 2

Last weeks article was setting the scene for weaning from night feeding, I outlined the amount of night feeds typical for different ages for babies and when feeding to sleep can be a sleep association. Todays article is to give …

Getting out of bed and to school on time

Ask parents what drives them crazy about parenting? At the top of that list along with fussy eaters at mealtimes would be kids not getting out of bed on time and getting organized.   The tension that builds in the house whilst …

How to Play with your Baby 0-3 months

As you bring your baby home and wonder what to do next rest assured that nature has it covered. As parents we are biologically triggered to respond to our babies with the best communication. Your baby is also triggered to …

Ins and Outs of Bedtime – Part 2

What next? After the door is closed for a while, how long? That depends on your child. If your child is very sensitive only a minute or two will do the trick. If they are on the other hand determined, …

Ins and Outs of Bedtime Part 1

What’s a quick way to drive parents crazy? The ins and outs at bedtime. We are all familiar with the rush to get through the nightime routine, to finally give that goodnight kiss, turn out the light and exit. Only …

Wanting Better Sleep is not Selfish

Oh no not again, you hear your baby crying out for you and part of you just simply wants to keep sleeping. Just a few more minutes your brain begs! On cue you are pulling back the covers and swinging …

Family holidays & Sleep Arrangements

How do I manage sleep arrangements in one big bedroom for my family? We’re spending three weeks over the Christmas holidays at my husband’s family, which means four people to one rather large room. Our 1yo will sleep in a porta-cot …