Toddler Workshop 1-2 yrs with Nicole Pierotti

Nicole has spent 10 years putting together a one-on-one workshop for parents-of-toddlers to learn how to care for their toddler.  Often parents find themselves with a whole new set of challenges with a toddler, they are learning that they can get where they want to, they can even say 'no' and do not do as you ask. To book use our online booking system click

Happy Babysmiles clients the Williams family

Happy Babysmiles clients the Williams family

It is a year of new challenges, toilet training may be starting, you may be moving them from a cot to a bed if a sibling is due or they can climb!

A second child is a whole new era for both you as a parent and your toddler as a sibling - they no longer will have mum or dad just to themselves.  So how do you prepare them to be a sibling in the best possible way with the least amount of conflict?

Discpline starts - how do you deal with a toddler who refuses your requests?

Happy Babysmiles siblings - Casey family

Happy Babysmiles siblings - Casey family

Challenges you?   Starts to have tantrums on the floor while clinging to your leg?  Climbs onto the tables and thinks it's a game?  A whole new world opens, exciting - yet you need to be prepared.

Learn " How to...."

  • Move your Toddler to a Bed
  • Tell if your Toddler is ready for Toilet Training
  • Toilet Train
  • Discipline - what tools do you need in your Parenting Toolkit of Discipline
  • Have a Happy Toddler - lots of tips and tricks

    Learn the How and Whys of Toilet Training

    Learn the How and Whys of Toilet Training

  • The Toddler workshop is ideal to do around 1 year of age.

Nicole at this workshop goes through the more advanced concepts of dealing with behaviour and toddlers who are learning that they are separate of you and can say ..... No! How you react will determine if your toddler does it again, and again or forgets and moves on!

Nicole also looks at sleep at this workshop to make sure your toddler is sleeping through the night eg. 7pm to 7am no night waking.  Yes, this is possible for every toddler! Nicole also educates about playtime to allow your toddler to develop to their optimal genetic best.

Nicole will also answer any other questions you have as parents and have been dying to ask!

Set your precious toddler and yourselves up for the most successful year.

This workshop is two one hour sessions a week apart.  Nicole allows time for parents to ask their own questions and customises the workshop to each couples needs.  Nicole does this workshop face-to-face, via skype or via telephone.  Decide what works best for you then contact us to arrange a suitable time.

Cost & Times

The workshop in total is two hours, comprising of two one hour sessions a week apart.  The cost of each hour session is $178 and may be claimable on your private health fund (we recommend you check with your health fund for coverage on psychology services). Where both parents attend a session the charge may be apportioned between the couple,  increasing the total benefit received. Nicole is a registered APS Psychologist.

To Book

All workshops are individual with Nicole and require an appointment, we have a few options for appointments:  Skype - Facetime - Phone or in our clinic.

For Skype - Facetime - Phone appointments you can use our online booking system click  Be sure to select 2 appointment slots - either together, one after the other or separate days!

To come into our clinic, in Townsville, Queensland, Australia and to have an appointment face to face:  please contact us to arrange.  Our wonderful staff can help to find a time that suits and answer any questions you may have.  All workshops are individual with Nicole and require an appointment.   Workshops or Indvidual consultations on any topic to do with Toddlers can be face-to-face in Nicole's clinic, by Skype, Facetime or by Phone.logos copy


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