When can I stop pureeing my baby’s food?

Once you have introduced solids at around the age of four months then next two months at least lead to the establishment of good as part of your baby’s diet after milk.So between six and seven months of age start …

Introducing a pet to the new baby

Before you fell pregnant, the dog was your ‘baby’. So what do you do when baby makes four? With a baby in the picture, your dog will go from being the only child to the bottom of the pack. That’s …

Understanding Food Intolerances

By Nicole Pierotti  Understanding the difference between intolerance and other types of food reaction is an important starting point because the approach to dealing with them is quite different. Unlike allergies and coeliac disease, which are immune reactions to food …

Breastfeeding Anti Colic Diet

This is a Breastfeeding Anti Colic Diet which was posted by Nourish Baby. It is a good idea to follow an Anti Colic diet when breastfeeding regardless as the more acidy or coloured foods you eat the more a baby …

Q&A: – Does Teething Wake Babies??

Does teething really cause babies to wake at night? My previously good sleeper is now waking up at 11 month old one or two times a night. Should I be getting him up to give him medication or should I …

Tips if you’re Thinking of Getting Pregnant

  Here are a few quick tips if you’re thinking of getting pregnant. 1. There is known consensus that women are affected with fertility as they get older BUT it also affects men!!! Research suggest that the average first time …

How Much Formula OR Expressed milk does your Baby need?

The amount of milk that your baby needs has a rather individual answer, however lots of parents often ask me how much for what age their baby is……  so the following is a guide to give you that answer. I …

Q&A: Toys in the Cot?

Is it OK to leave a few non choke able toys in my 18 month old’s cot? Letting him play with his favourite plastic hammer seems to calm him down enough to fall to sleep. As a bonus he seems …

Likely cause of SIDS identified

The new research by an international team, including a Melbourne scientist, has found babies who die from SIDS have brain stem abnormalities that may leave the infant unable to adequately react when faced with a stressor while asleep. The team …