Q&A: The difference between day and night?

How do I teach my four week old the difference between night and day. At the moment he has no idea! Is there something I should be doing to make sure he starts to know the difference. Jada Day and nights …

Growing your child’s Healthy Beautiful Smile Starts Earlier than you think….

By Carla Lejarraga As parents, we all want to give our children the best start in life. Well did you know that you can have a positive impact on your child’s orthodontic development right from birth? We all know about the …

Sleep Cues

Why is it that when we go on our long awaited holiday that we have difficulty getting a good night sleep?  It all comes down to sleeping cues.  We have a number of set cues in our environment that assist …

Overstimulation and Babies – what you need to know!

You see lots of babies, tucked in their prams being pushed around the shopping centres wide eyed and what appears to be very interested in life rushing by.  Chances are they fail to fall asleep in their pram as there …

Baby Signs

Parent’s have long wondered what it is that their baby is thinking about or wanting.  And what if I said to you that you could find out.  Interested?  Well we are talking about teaching your baby, at about 6 months …

Expert Advice: The early morning wake up

Between 6 and 12 months it is common for a baby that used to be a great sleeper during the night to start the ‘early morning wake up’.  This is where they wake at about 5.30am and decide that the …

Q&A: 6 month old sleep patterns

Parent Question: What signs should I look out for that tells me my six month old is tired? I seem only to notice when he’s screaming out for a rest, obviously I’m missing those subtle cues. Also how many naps should an 11 month …

Expert Advice: New baby crying

So you have a newborn baby – it certainly is a bit of a blur in the first 6 weeks when trying to manage a newborn.  Quite often you find your baby crying, which causes great distress to you as …