Coping with Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation is often joked about if you are pregnant or have a baby.   The typical comment of ‘oh, say goodbye to your sleep’ is tossed about with a laugh. Every parent can certainly relate. For some parents the sleep …

Playdates with Friends

Children just love to meet up with their friends and have a play.  So many important skills are learnt with this experience, sharing, manners, language, disagreements, social, just too name a few.  But having playdates is always fraught with difficulties, …

Angry Toddler & New Baby

Question: – My loveable toddler has been transformed into a monster child with the birth of his sister two months ago. Any tips/advice on how I can deal with my jealous and angry little boy. Mum of two. It is …

Anxiety puts Mother and baby bond at risk

Thursday, 2 October 2014  | Anna Salleh | ABC Women who are anxious and insecure in their close relationships are more likely to have problems bonding with their young children, a new study has found. The findings could be useful in identifying mothers-to-be …

Is my child getting too much sleep??

My  granddaughter is seven and seems to need lots of sleep.  She is in Year 1 at school, goes to ballet, swimming and tennis lessons once a week and is in bed by 7:30pm (sometimes she falls asleep on the …

Demanding Children & What to do

My girls are 2 and 4 years old.  When they spend time with their grandparents, they are pleasant, agreeable little angels who easily heed instruction.  But when they’re around me, that facade disappears and they become demanding, whiny and tend …

Car Seat Dramas

What can we do about our two-year-old who performs every time she has to go into the car seat? It’s getting to the stage where we avoid going out with her, limiting what we do as a family. Samantha’sparents Samantha …

Tips to stop toddler tantrums before they begin

Published for She Knows Australia – by Jacinta Rose Probably one of the most feared experiences of a parent with young kids is the temper tantrum. Sometimes we can sense one is coming on, other times it’s just a matter of riding out …

Q&A: – Transition to Bed & Scared

My two year old has recently transitioned from cot to toddler bed. This transition has not gone smoothly at all. My once great sleeper now doesn’t stay in bed and walks into our room in the middle of the night. …

Child Restraints; to use or not use??

Client Question: What are your thoughts on child restraints for two year olds? My two year old runs away from me every time we go out. I fear the worst (getting hit by a car) Answer: Honestly before I was …