Q&A: Tired Mum Feeling Guilty

I am mum to two year old twins and a five year old and I feel guilty that I can’t give them the attention I should. I’m tired a lot and leave them to play with each other. Is this wrong? How …

Night Weaning Part 2

Last weeks article was setting the scene for weaning from night feeding, I outlined the amount of night feeds typical for different ages for babies and when feeding to sleep can be a sleep association. Todays article is to give …

Wake up to Sleep Secrets

 By Gina Mosch ~ Townsville Bulletin For many parents, getting kids to go to bed – and stay there – can be frustrating Townsville child psychologist Nicole Pierotti is a sleep and behaviour expert and has just written a new book, …

Play:- Birth to 3 months

Having a baby is an intense experience and one that is both full of joy and anxiousness as a new parent. Parents are often left wondering if they are doing it right! We talk about routine, sleep, crying, feeding but …

Introducing the bottle

Getting your baby used to bottles Whether you are bottle feeding with expressed breast milk or formula, not all breast fed babies switch to bottles easily in the beginning. If your baby is not taking to the bottle, try: Warming …

Advice on Mix Feeding

Bottle Feeding Advice Breast milk is the best choice for babies. Sometimes it is not possible for infants to exclusively feed directly from the breast and the use of bottles may be required to feed expressed breast milk or an …

Getting use to the bottle

Getting your baby used to bottles Whether you are bottle feeding with expressed breast milk or formula, not all breast fed babies switch to bottles easily in the beginning. If your baby is not taking to the bottle, try: Warming …

Getting your baby used to bottles

  Whether you are bottle feeding with expressed breast milk or formula, not all breast fed babies switch to bottles easily in the beginning. If your baby is not taking to the bottle, try: Warming your baby’s milk before feeding. …

Mum’s diet can change your mood

News in Science | Friday, 30 August 2013 |  by Dani Cooper Poor diet during pregnancy can lead to an increased risk of mental health problems in children, Australian research shows. And new mums cannot relax after they give birth with the study …

Day Sleeps & Happy Wake Time

Day sleep Achieving good sleep during the day can be just as difficult as the night for parents with a tired infant. The advice about daytime sleep is similar to that for the night but with a couple of minor …